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Importance of Regular Heat Pump Maintenance and Servicing.

Northland Air Conditioning Services

Extended Life Span

A good brand of Heat pump should last up to 15 years if well maintained if it gets neglected over time it can take up to 5 years off its life span.

Greater Efficiency

A dirty heat pump can lower the energy efficiency by 10-35 % which ends up costing you more and sometimes not even heating or cooling at all.

Cleaner air

A key benefit of a heat pump is the ability to filter the air that you are heating, getting rid of nasty allergens. Important for both asthma and allergy sufferers, most heat pumps are fitted with advanced filtration systems to provide optimal air quality by filtering and deodorizing the air. These two functions work together to remove even the tiniest airborne particles and break them down or neutralize them. Therefore, servicing is so important to keep those filters and the whole system clean.

We recommend a full service every year either prewinter or pre summer so your heat pumps is running at the greatest efficiency. In between services we recommend you vacuum or use a damp cloth to clean filters every 3 months and check the outdoor unit area is clear of leaves etc.

Using a heat pump service does not only include cleaning. It consists of servicing too. While cleaning will ensure that the machine is in optimal condition to perform, servicing relates to the operation of the machine. This is an exercise that only a professional can perform because it requires technical expertise in the industry.

A heat pump service provider will be equipped with the know-how to troubleshoot and can do more than just a simple wipe down. They disinfect coils, check the circuitry, and diagnose system faults.

Our Service will include:

  • Clean and disinfect the systems' coils

  • Clean and disinfect drainpipes and condensate pumps if fitted

  • Clean air filters

  • Check the electrical circuit for the system

  • Check for any refrigerant gas leaks

  • Check the systems fault diagnostics

  • Check temperature readings

  • Check the systems general operation

  • Check noise levels

  • Instruct in any operation and maintenance requirements if necessary

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